The ELSE journal is a scientific journal that discusses scientific development, education and learning for elementary schools managed by the UMSurabaya Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program. ELSE covers elementary education studies and develops research topics into various scopes such as teaching and learning innovation, learning model and method, curriculum development, assessment and instruction, school management, educational counseling, educational policy, and STEAM in elementary education.


 Journal title  ELSE journal
 Subjects  Teaching and learning innovation, learning model and method, curriculum   development, assessment and instruction, school management, educational counseling, educational policy, and STEAM in elementary education
 Language  English (preferred), Indonesia
 E-ISSN  2597-4122
 Frequency  This journal is published bianually every February and August.
 Editor in chief  Ishmatun Naila

 Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

 Citation Analysis  Google Scholar

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Current Issue

Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024): AGUSTUS
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