Author Guidelines
1. Paper Type
The types of manuscripts accepted are only in the form of research articles and literature review/review articles (limited) and have never been published in any media. Manuscripts must be about 4000-5000 words.
2. Manuscript Format
Articles are written in Indonesian with the file extension Docx (Microsoft Word) or RTF and use the following references:
- Margins: Left and Top (2.5 cm), Right and Bottom (2.5 cm)
- Paper Size: A4 (21 cm x 29.7 cm)
- Font: Times New Roman
- Font Size: 12 pt
- Distance: 1
Writing on the title and sub-sections of the article must follow the following guidelines:
Heading 1 (Capital Each Word, TNR 14, centered, bold)
Heading 2 (Capital Each Word, TNR 12, justified, bold)
3. Manuscript Structure
Research papers use the following structure:
Title; Identity of the author (first line: name without title. Second line: department and university. Third line: full agency address. Fourth line: email address and cellphone number. Abstract (150-200 words, and three-five keywords); 1. Introduction; 2. Research Methods; 3. Results and Discussion; 4. Conclusions and Suggestions; Acknowledgments, and Bibliography (Contain only referred references).
4. Bibliography
It is recommended to use a Reference Manager application such as Mendeley or EndNote or Microsoft Word Citation. Citations refer to the style of the American Psychological Association (APA 7th), and 90% of references must be sourced from up-to-date, reputable journals.
Research Ethics
In conducting research, authors or contributors must comply with a code of ethics by taking into account three basic principles, namely: (1) explanation and approval; (2) privacy and confidentiality; and (3) protection from harm; and also by reference to the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Code of Ethics or similar.