MAQASID : Jurnal Studi Hukum Islam

Journal Title                 : MAQASID: Jurnal Studi Hukum Islam

ISSN                              : E-ISSN 2252-5289  P-ISSN 2615-5622 

Editor in Chief             : Salman Al Farisi, S.Sy., M.H.

Managing Editor        : Saiful Ibnu Hamzah, M.H.

Publisher                     : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Frequency                   : 2 issues per year (May and November)

Citation Analysis        : Moraref | Crossref | GarudaSinta | Google ScholarROAD

MAQASID Journal of Islamic Law Studies was first published by the Islamic Family Law Department (Ahwal Syakhshiyyah) Faculty of Islamic Religion in 2012. This journal was published as a forum for lecturers, researchers, and those interested in Islamic law and legal studies to share knowledge and related knowledge in accordance with Islamic law. The focus and scope are determined by the editorial team.

Since its initial publication, MAQASID has been registered with the ISSN number PDII-LIPI as a journal in the religious category. Maqasid: Journal of Islamic Law Studies has received a Sinta 4 rating based on the Decree of the Director General of Research Strengthening and Development of the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia in November 2023. Articles in this journal are published twice a year: in May and November.

This journal provides a forum for the sharing, dissemination, and discussion of research, experiences, and perspectives in various areas of Islamic law. The focus and scope of MAQASID: Journal of Islamic Law Studies is a journal that publishes the results of original studies and research with the latest edition in Islamic Law Studies. The scope of the Maqasid Journal is (1) Islamic Law, (2) Islamic Family Law, (3) Islamic Marriage Law (Munakahat), (4) Islamic Inheritance Law (Mawaris), (5) Islamic Economic Law (Muamalah), (6) Islamic Astronomy (Falak), and (7) Islamic Law Studies.

The editorial board accepts articles from lecturers, educators, students, scholars, and researchers of Islamic law for publication after going through strict selection, peer review, and serious editing. Registration and login are required to ship items online and to check the current shipping status. Submit your manuscript today! (in English or Indonesian) via our online system. If you experience problems submitting your paper, please contact us at






Jurnal MAQASID in 2022, will no longer accept research using SWOT and/or TOWS analysis methods, literature review research with non-reputable journals resources, and case studies that does not have good quality research method and does not have national impact. For doctoral students who submit articles, please pay attention to the quality of the articles before submitting them to MAQASID. We do not hesitate to reject articles that do not have good quality.
Every student, who has an urgent publication need, is expected to respect the journal's procedures and provide the best articles

Thank you for your attention to our journal


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Vol 13 No 2 (2024): Hukum Keluarga Islam
Diterbitkan: 2024-12-06


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