Konsep Wasīlah Dalam Tafsir Ṣūfī Sunnī Dan Tafsir Ṣūfī Shīʿī


  • Mochammad Ashabul Yamin Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya


The concept of Wasīlah in the Islamic tradition refers to the means or intermediaries
used by a servant to get closer to Allah. This term explicitly appears in the Qur'an, especially in
surah al-Ma'idah verse 35, which instructs believers to seek Wasīlah as part of their worship
and devotion to Allah. In Ṣūfī interpretations, both in the Sunni and Shīʿī traditions, the concept
of Wasīlah receives special attention as an integral part of the spiritual journey towards God.
However, there are differences in the interpretation and practice of Wasīlah between the two
schools, which are influenced by theological and spiritual differences. In Sunni Ṣūfī
interpretations, Wasīlah is often associated with acts of worship, prayer, and spiritual
intervention through Allah's saints and holy figures who are considered to have closeness to
Througha study of these two traditions, it can be seen that although there are similarities in the
goal of achieving closeness to Allah, there are fundamental differences in the practice and
meaning of Wasīlah. In the Sunni tradition, Wasīlah refers more to spiritual practice through a
guardian or murshid, while in the Shīʿī tradition, Wasīlah refers to the Ahlul Bait as holy figures
who have spiritual powers given directly by Allah. This second approach shows the complexity
of the concept of Wasīlah in Sufism and its central role in strengthening a Muslim's spiritual
relationship with God.

Keyword: Wasīlah, Tafsir Ṣūfī, Sunni, Shīʿī

