Mengemis Sebagai Profesi (Tinjauan Hukum Islam pada Masyarakat stren Kali Jagir kecamatan Wonokromo Kota Surabaya)


  • Agung Firmansyah Prodi Ahwal al Syakhshiyah, Fakultas Agama Islam, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya, Indonesia



Vagrants and beggars are problems that continuouslybecome government's attention. In
accordance with the regulation (UU). This program is a social rehabilitation program for
vagrants and beggars which integrated based on rural area emphasizing to return them
to their hometown or re-migration.
Various solutions and policies tried to do by the government, but as if the solutions and
policies do not really give an optimal impact due to the fact that the number of beggars
has increased. This research aims to determine the factors that make people make the
profession of begging as a source of revenue without going to seek better job.This
research is a field research in Islamic law that having characteristics of descriptive
qualitative. In collecting the data, the researcher used observation and interview
techniques.The data analyzed qualitatively based on the theory related to the
researchobject, and the subject of this research was 30 beggars which is consists of 15
men, 15 women and six others were children.
From these research obtained that the beggars in Jagirriverbank of Wonokromo
subdistrict largely dominated by adults and children, with some of the characteristics
background as followed: 1). They are lazy to work and would rather to beg. In other
words they do not have the expectation or hope to live strongly. 2). The lack of
discipline from parents or guardians who could be as a role models or examples, but
mistakes in educating, so there were exploitation of early childhood. 3). They were
tempted to livelihood in a city which is considered pledged so that create urbanization to
town without any preparation or expertise. Beggars in Jagir riverbank of Wonokromo
Surabaya is none other than as a profession that is prohibited by religion. Islam is not
ordained by begging, lying or deceiving. The reason is not only because it violates the
sin, but also because such actions are deemed contaminate good deeds and depriving the
poor people who do need help, even it ruin the good image of the poor people who do
not want to beg and those who love virtue.

Keywords: Begging, Profession, and Stren




