Qanun Medical is a medical journal of Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya contains papers and scientific articles created as a form of realization Tridharma college.

The journal is published every six months, January and July of three articles in the form of:

- Research article

- Case report

- Literature review

The scope of this journal is all the field of medicine such as, but not limited to:
-Internal medicine (including Pulmonary medicine and cardiovascular medicine)
-Surgery (including urology, orthopaedic and traumatologic, plastic surgery, neurosurgery)
-Anesthesia and Emergency Medicine
-Obstetric and Gynecologic
-Forensic and Medicolegal
-Clinical Pathology
-Anatomical Pathology
-Microbiology and parasitology
-Basic Science of Medicine (including biochemistry, physiology, anatomy and Histology)
-Public health and Health Management

Qanun Medika has already registered in LIPI and has ISSN as follows:

p-ISSN: 2541-2272

e-ISSN: 2548-9526