Analisis Kualitas Produk, Harga dan Brand Image: Evaluasi Segmentasi Pasar di Persebaya Store Surabaya
This study aims to analyze product quality, price and brand image to evaluate Persebaya Store market segmentation. The type of research was descriptive qualitative because it only wants to describe product quality, price and brand image for evaluating the compatibility of market segmentation after the Covid-19 pandemic. The unit of analysis in this study was Persebaya Store merchandise users (Persebaya fans), while the sample size used was 98 respondents. The technique of taking sample members from the population uses purposive sampling with certain characteristics. The results showed that product quality, price and brand image were still rated high, this was in line with the characteristics of respondents based on geographical, demographic, psychographic and behavioral aspects that came from young people who were always associated with aesthetic values, product style and being able to fulfill their social lifestyle. The findings in this study indicate that product quality, price and brand image are still aligned with the four aspects of market segmentation, but the environmental changes during the Covid-19 pandemic shifted changes in people's lifestyles in meeting their needs, especially the influence of social media in meeting the lifestyle needs of Persebaya Store merchandise users who always demand convenience, speed and accuracy in fulfilling their needs without being limited by space, place and time.
Keywords: Market Segmentation, Persebaya Store, Product Quality, Price, Brand Image
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kualitas produk, harga dan brand image untuk mengevaluasi segmentasi pasar Persebaya Store. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif karena hanya ingin mendeskripsikan kualitas produk, harga dan brand image untuk evaluasi kesesuaian segmentasi pasar pasca pandemi Covid-19. Unit analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah pengguna merchandise Persebaya Store (suporter Persebaya), sedangkan ukuran sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 98 responden. Teknik pengambilan anggota sampel dari populasi menggunakan purposive sampling dengan karakteristik tertentu. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kualitas produk, harga dan brand image masih dinilai tinggi, hal ini selaras dengan karakteristik responden berdasarkan aspek geografik, demografik, psikografik dan perilaku yang berasal dari kalangan usia muda yang selalu identik dengan nilai estetika, style produk, serta dapat memenuhi gaya hidup sosial mereka. Temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kualitas produk, harga dan brand image masih selaras dengan empat aspek segmentasi pasarnya, namun perubahan lingkungan selama pandemi Covid-19 menggeser perubahan gaya hidup masyarakat dalam memenuhi kebutuhan, khususnya pengaruh media sosial dalam memenuhi kebutuhan gaya hidup pengguna merchandise Persebaya Store yang senantiasa menuntut kemudahan, kecepatan dan keakuratan dalam memenuhi kebutuhannya tanpa dibatasi oleh dimensi ruang, tempat dan waktu.
Kata kunci: Segmentasi Pasar, Persebaya Store, Kualitas Produk, Harga, Citra Merek
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