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Manuscript Guidelines and Journal Template (Link Download)


1. TELL Journal accepts original and novel research-based or theoretical articles on English language teaching and learning, linguistics and literature which have not been published or are under consideration elsewhere.

2. Articles should consist of more or less 6.000 words (excluding references) and be typed in MSWord doc. Format.  The articles are typed in Times New Roman 12 with 1.15 space. All sections of article body are written without heading and justified. No indent for the first paragraphs and do not leave a space between the paragraphs. The following paragraphs are intended first line 0.75cm. All margins (Top, Bottom, Left, and Rigt) are 2.5 cm.

  • Introduction merged with literature review (25% of the article)
  • Method (15% of the article)
  • Finding and Discussion (50% of the article)
  • Conclusion (10% of the article)

 3. References should consist of 75% (primary sources from up to date Journal Articles) and the rest of 25% is from other sources such as books, theses, dissertations, etc. The references also refer to American Psychological Association (APA) style 6th Edition. The use of Reference Manager like Mendeley, Refworks, or Zotero is highly recommended.



Bale, J. (2016). Language proficiency in an era of accountability: Using the target language to learn how to teach. Journal of Teacher Education, 67(5), 392-407.[A1] 

Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2007). Research methods in education (6th Eds.). Oxon: Routledge.[A2] 

Cynx, J., Williams, H., & Nottebohm, F. (1992). Hemispheric differences in avian song discrimination. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 89, 1372-1375.[A3] 

Song, S. Y. (2015). Teachers’ beliefs about language learning and teaching. In M. Bigelow & J. Ennser-kananen (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Educational Linguistics (pp. 263–275). New York and Oxon: Routledge[A4] 

 [A1]Article in Journal



 [A4]Chapter in Book