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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Penyerahan belum diterbitkan sebelumnya, atau sedang dalam pertimbangan jurnal lain (atau sebuah penjelasan belum disediakan dalam komentar kepada editor).
  • File naskah dalam format file dokumen OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, atau WordPerfect.
  • Ketika tersedia, URLs untuk referensi telah disediakan.
  • Teks 1 spasi; font 12; italic; tidak digaribawahi (kecuali alamat URL); dan semua ilustrasi, figur, dan tabel yang ditempatkan di dalam teks pada poin yang tepat, jangan di akhir.
  • Teks yang mematuhi persyaratan mengenai perpustakaan dan gaya bahasa digambarkan secara garis besar di Petunjuk Penulis, yang akan ditemukan dalam halaman Tentang Kami.
  • Jika penerimaan untuk bagian peer-review dari jurnal, instruksinya terdapat di Memastikan Reviewer Anonim telah diikuti.

Author Guidelines

SUSTAINABLE is a six-monthly scientific journal (May and November) published by UMSurabaya Publishing and managed by the Accounting Study Program FEB UMSurabaya. For SUSTAINABLE's sustainability, the editorial board accepts scientific articles in the form of empirical research and conceptual articles. Manuscripts accepted are only original manuscripts that have not been published in other print/electronic media. The manuscript is sent to the SUSTAINABLE Journal manager by email;

Manuscripts submitted are A4 paper size, Times New Roman font, size 12 with 1.15 spacing

a) Research Result Articles

Title ; short, simple, no more than 10 words
Writer's name ; write full name without academic degree, institution where you work, email address. If there is more than one, write the names of all of them.
Abstract ; consists of 100-200 words, contains a description of the problem, research objectives, methods used, and research results.
Keywords ; maximum 3-5 words.
Introduction ; contains research problems, research objectives and a summary of theoretical research related to the problem being studied.
Theoretical Review and Hypothesis; Contains theories that support research. Researchers can take theories that are appropriate to the research and sourced from journals.
Research methods ; contains research design, methods, research goals and targets, data collection techniques (population sampling techniques) and analysis techniques.
Research Results and Discussion; contains the results of data analysis, hypothesis testing, answers to research questions, findings and interpreting findings (discussion between facts-theory-findings and researcher comments)
Conclusion ; contains research conclusions, suggestions and recommendations that refer to the research results
Bibliography ; contains the sources cited in writing the article. Only the sources used are included in the bibliography.

b) Conceptual Article

Title ; short, simple, no more than 10 words
Writer's name ; write full name without academic degree, institution where you work, email address. If there is more than one, write the names of all of them.
Abstract ; maximum 100 words, contains a description of the problem, research objectives, methods used, and research results.
Keywords ; maximum 3-5 words.
Introduction ; contains things that attract the reader's attention and provide context for the problem being studied, stating the problem being studied and the purpose of the study.
Discussion ; contains a discussion which includes analysis, argumentation or comparison and the author's stance regarding the problem being studied (discussion of theory, findings, author's stance).
Conclusion ; contains an affirmation of the author's position on the problem being studied, including suggestions and alternative attitudes (if any).
Bibliography ; contains sources cited in writing the article. Only the sources used are included in the bibliography.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.