Pro-Cons upon Facebook Comments of Robert Mugabe’s Speech at AU Summit 2016: Pragmatic-Stylistic Point of View

Alfiyah Rusdiyana (1), Slamet Setiawan (2)
(1) Pasca Sarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia,
(2) UNESA, Indonesia


ABSTRACT: This research aimed to describe the pro-cons figure of speech on a Facebook comment from Robert Mugabe Speech at AU 2016. The description of this research is using pragma-stylistics analysis. Utilization of figure of speech is personification, metaphor, hyperbole, litotes, metonymy, synecdoche, paradox, irony, parallelism, alliteration, allegory, meiosis, idioms, antithesis, sarcasm, epizeuxis, and climax. Data were gathered from the responses from a Facebook comment of the people to the speech delivered by Robert Mugabe Speech at AU Summit 2016 Addis Ababa Ethiopia was upload or share by A Do on December 22, 2018, at 9.41 PM. Text by text analysis is favoured in this study so that the various contextual issues can be easily construed; hence the practice and expressive means can be understood. The finding on this analysis, there are nine hundred and fifty, which pro-cons comment on Mugabe’s speech at AU 2016 are figures of speech. The conclusion shows that Pro and cons Facebook comment on Mugabe speech from the netizen is to express their feeling about African leader. The language is used freely; the cons with Mugabe are a lot because they are satisfied and did not satisfied with his leader, they cannot talk indirectly because they feel intimidated with Mugabe’s Power.



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Alfiyah Rusdiyana (Primary Contact)
Author Biography

Alfiyah Rusdiyana, Pasca Sarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Alfiyah Rusdiyana was born in Surabaya 2nd April 1979. Graduate from English Education and Literature of Muhammadiyah Surabaya University in 2003. In 2018 continue her Master of English Language and Literature Program at University of Surabaya.

Teaching activities began in 1999-2006 as English teacher at Kindergarten school in Surabaya. In 2011-2014 she was appointed as government employee in Ministry of Religion as English teacher on MAN Mojosari-Mojokerto Region. In 2015-until now she is teaching at MAN Kota Surabaya.

As a teacher, she always improves her-self to join a lot of activity such as member of English MGMP MA for East Java Province, as chairman of MGMP MA for Surabaya, and as member of English MGMP SMA for Surabaya. She attends as participant Multimedia MA 1 distance training in year 2020.

Rusdiyana, A., & Setiawan, S. (2021). Pro-Cons upon Facebook Comments of Robert Mugabe’s Speech at AU Summit 2016: Pragmatic-Stylistic Point of View. Tell : Teaching of English Language and Literature Journal, 9(1), 39–53.

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