Students' Perceptions of TOEIC Training for Improving Listening and Reading Scores

Miftachudin Miftachudin (1), Dian Asa Utari (2), Lusia Eni Puspandari (3), Ika Erawati (4), Eka Dyah Puspita Sari (5), Muhammad Rofiful Fathoni (6)
(1) Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia,
(2) Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia,
(3) Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia,
(4) Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia,
(5) Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesia,
(6) Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia


This research aims to distinguish students' perceptions of the TOEIC training given by lecturers for final semester students to help them to achieve the passing grade determined by the campus as a graduation requirement. This research is a qualitative descriptive that revealed the reality of TOEIC training by analyzing relevant data. The selection of research subjects was carried out using a purposive sampling technique on students who had received TOEIC training. Data collection uses a closed questionnaire method which is applied to 186 students from 11 study programs who join TOEIC training. In depth interview was also conducted toward 30 students. The research questionnaire consists of 2 parts, namely: Perception of Learning Quality and Perception of benefits to TOEIC training. The result of this research shows that students have positive perception toward TOEIC training and they agree TOEIC training can improve their listening and reading score. Meanwhile, the interview reveals that students get benefit more from integrated skills approach using authentic material than just simulation and structured practices of TOEIC. This results give insights on future TOEIC Training about its effectiveness to improve students’ English proficiency as well as proposing the best method used in the future training of TOEIC.

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Miftachudin Miftachudin (Primary Contact)
Dian Asa Utari
Lusia Eni Puspandari
Ika Erawati
Eka Dyah Puspita Sari
Muhammad Rofiful Fathoni
Miftachudin, M., Utari, D. A., Puspandari, L. E., Erawati, I., Sari, E. D. P., & Fathoni, M. R. (2024). Students’ Perceptions of TOEIC Training for Improving Listening and Reading Scores. Tell : Teaching of English Language and Literature Journal, 12(2).

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