
  • Hana Rohadatul Aisy STAI Luqman Surabaya




Efektivitas, Metode Muroja’ah Klasikal, Kualitas Bacaan Al-Quran, Kualitas Hafalan Al-Quran


This research was conducted because it was motivated by the importance of understanding Al-Quran for students. By using effective learning methods, it is hoped that it will make it easier for students to deepen their knowledge of Al-Quran, such as the knowledge of reading Al-Quran and memorizing Al-Quran. This type of research is a quantitative research that collects primary data through a questionnaire given to the students of the Daarul Huffazh Islamic Boarding School Surabaya, while the secondary data is obtained from the documents of the Daarul Huffazh Islamic Boarding School Surabaya, after all the data is collected it is further analyzed quantitatively using a simple regression approach. The results of the study concluded that first, the effectiveness of the classical Muroja'ah method on the quality of reading Al-Quran was 66%. Second, and the effectiveness of the classical Muroja'ah method on the quality of memorizing Al-Quran is 73%. Third, the comparison of the effectiveness of classical Muroja'ah on reading Al-Quran and memorizing Al-Quran gets results that show that the effectiveness of muroja'ah on the quality of memorizing Al-Quran is greater than on the quality of reading Al-Quran


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