Akulturasi, Seni dan Budaya, Walisongo, Tanah JawaAbstract
This study discusses the spread of Islam in Java through the acculturation of local culture by Wali Songo. Wali Songo preaches peacefully and combines Islamic and Javanese culture, including through the art of wayang. They succeeded in spreading Islam by accommodating local culture without opposition. Gentle preaching methods and harmonious cultural adaptation have succeeded in embracing society and appreciating religious and cultural differences as riches in the Islamic tradition. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with the type of literature review research, two types of primary and secondary research data sources, using descriptive analytic data analysis techniques. The results of this study are that the Wali Songo strategically chose locations based on strong geostrategic considerations, and as a result, they managed to achieve significant changes in less than 100 years. They also showed respect for local culture at that time and succeeded in integrating Islamic sharia values with cultural arts such as wayang and macapat. The unique and distinctive approach that they employ in the da'wah method also contributes to the rapid acceptance of Islam by the Indonesian people, and as a result, this religion is increasingly spreading on the island of Java.
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