The Concept of Al-Qur'an on Teacher Competency (Thematic Analysis of Surah Al-Qalam Verses 1-4)


  • Rusi yan



This study aims to know about the competence of teachers, and what the concept of the Qur'an about the competence of teachers in Surat Al-Qalam Verses 1 - 4. This research is a library review (library research) which is qualitative descriptive, using documentation techniques in data collection. While the method of data analysis used is the tafsir maudlu'iy method. The results show that: Firstly, the qualities that an educator must have are (a) zuhud not putting matter and teaching because of seeking God's mercy; (b) to cleanse his body, away from sin and guilt, to escape from great sin, ridicity, envy, hostility, strife and other disgraceful nature; (c) Ikhlas in the work; (d) forgiving; (e) loving his disciples just as he loved his own son; (f) knowing the student's nature; (g) mastering subjects; (h) have competence in the ways of teaching. Second, the competence that must be owned by the teacher according to the Qur'an letter Al-Qalam verses 1-4 is to have the personality as exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad SAW, master and utilize information technology and communications for self-development and science and have the ability paper for the development of science and communication media with others.

Keywords: Competence of teachers, Concepts of the Qur'an, Tafseer of al-Alaq


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