International Proceeding of Community Services Journal
Title | : International Proceeding of Community Services Journal |
ISSN | : XXXX-XXXX (Electronics) |
Publication Period | : - |
Accreditation | : Grade - (On Process)-Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (79/E/KPT/2023) |
Journal Indexing | : in Process Crossref, Dimensions, GARUDA, Google Scholar, ROAD, SINTA |
Archive Policy | : The Keepers (PKP PN) |
International Proceeding of Community Services is an electronic focused scientific journal in the fields of Community Services published by UMSurabaya Publishing with Institute for Research and Community Service, Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya. The journal carries out a review process in publishing scientific papers from researchers, academics and practitioners. This journal publishes manuscripts in the field of International Conferences in of Community Services once a year.