Strategy For Treating Lower Pain With Exercise Therapy For Elderly In Malaysia
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Health Education, Elderly, Lower Back Pain, Sports TherapyAbstrak
Lower back pain is one of the most common health complaints complained of by the elderly worldwide, including in Malaysia. According to data from the Ministry of Health Malaysia (2018), around 30% to 50% of the elderly population in Malaysia experience chronic pain, including lower back pain. This condition not only affects physical mobility, but can also cause depression, anxiety, and social isolation. Objectives: 1.) Increase awareness of migrant elderly in Malaysia, 2.) Increase knowledge of migrant elderly in Malaysia, and 3.) Provide motivation for migrant elderly to always be active in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and overcoming degenerative diseases. Method: the approach method used in this community service is a participatory method with the target being migrant residents aged over 50 years in Malaysia, as many as 20 people. Conclusion: providing education related to the benefits of exercise therapy as a strategy to overcome lower back pain in the elderly in Malaysia had a significant impact on increasing knowledge and changing attitudes. This shows that education can improve understanding regarding the treatment of lower back pain through exercise therapy for the elderly.
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