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Kopi saat ini merupakan salah satu komoditas unggulan pertanian yang mempunyai kontribusi yang cukup nyata dalam perekonomian Indonesia, yaitu sebagai penghasil devisa, sumber pendapatan petani, penghasil bahan baku industri, penciptaan lapangan kerja dan pengembangan wilayah. Namun untuk menciptakan industri kopi yang berkualitas baik dan berkelanjutan, diperlukan upaya literasi kepada petani kopi. Petani yang membutuhkan literasi industri kopi diantaranya yaitu kelompok petani kopi buntis. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman akan pentingnya bisnis kopi yang berkelanjutan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan literasi Triple Layered Business Model Canvas. Hasil pengabdiannya menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman petani akan pentingnya menjaga keberlanjutan bisnis kopinya agar tingkat ekonomi petani tetap terjaga.

Kata Kunci: : bisnis model kanvas, literasi, kopi.


Improving Business Process Literacy at Buntis Coffee Farmer Groups in the Context of Creating Sustainability


Coffee is currently one of the leading agricultural commodities that have a significant contribution to the Indonesian economy, namely as a foreign exchange earner, a source of income for farmers, a producer of industrial raw materials, job creation and regional development. However, to create a coffee industry that is of good quality and sustainable, it requires literacy efforts for coffee farmers. Farmers who need coffee industry literacy include the Buntis coffee farmer group. This service activity aims to provide an understanding of the importance of a sustainable coffee business. The method used is the Triple Layered Business Model Canvas literacy approach. The results of his dedication show that farmers' understanding of the importance of maintaining the sustainability of their coffee business so that the economic level of farmers is maintained.

Keywords:business model canvas, literacy, coffee.

Kata Kunci

bisnis model canvas literasi kopi

Rincian Artikel


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