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Statute Cooperative and Koperasi Wanita Bhakti Ibu is prepare accountability report, as well as submission of work plan and budget plan of expenditure of cooperative expenditure at Rapat Anggota Tahunan (RAT) Forum. Presentation of accountability report in RAT which is a forum for sharing is expected to give member's opportunity to objectively and constructively assess the existence and development of cooperative as a whole, in the field of organization, management, capital, business and other activities. The latest financial reports, therefore need improvement and innovation by creating a computerized reporting application to simplify and mitigate work and minimize errors in reporting figures. Research method used to analyze system on Koperasi and design system to cooperative. System analysis purpose is tobe able identify and evaluate problems that occur and expected needs, so it can be proposed improvement. After build application, resulted conclusions: (1) Based on trial, application run effectively, minimize errors in performing data storage and facilitate data search and transactions more quickly and accurately; (2) Based on trial, application capable reports of transaction or financial administration, according to user current desire.
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Georgiev, Tsvetozar, dkk. 2004. M-Learning – a New Stage of E- Learning(Online), disampaikan dalam International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, (, diakses pada 30 September 2017)
Jogiyanto, Hartono, 2006, Analisis & Desain Sistem Informasi : Pendekatan Terstruktur Teori dan Praktek Aplikasi Bisnis, Andi Offset, Yogyakarta
Latuheru, John D. 1988. Media Pembelajaran dalam Proses Belajar-Mengajar Masa Kini. Jakarta:Depdikbud.
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