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Karang Taruna is one of the best teenager coaching alternatives. Through this organization, members of Karang Taruna obtain an environment that can develop creativity. Devotion to the community is one form of implementation of Tri Darma Higher Education, especially those who care about the social life of the community around the campus. The training followed by Karang Taruna Garuda Muda Pulo Wonokromo Surabaya will be expected to pass the knowledge and skills to others one of them training activities to make or design backdrop spirituality of Islam.


Kata Kunci

youth creativity training backdrop

Rincian Artikel

Biografi Penulis

Hendro Aryanto, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Universitas Negeri Surabaya


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  3. Ibrahim. Idi Subandy. 1997. Lifestyle Ecstasy; Kebudayaan Pop Dalam Masyarakat Komoditas Indonesia, Jalasutra, Yogyakarta.
  4. Widyatama, Rendra. 2009. Pengantar Periklanan. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Book Publisher.
  5. Wibowo. 2009. Irama Visual: Dari Toekang Reklame Sampai Komunikator Visual. Yogyakarta, Jalasutra.

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