Prediksi Tinggi Badan Ditentukan dari Panjang Rentang Lengan dan Panjang Telapak Kaki Pada Mongoloid Feminina Khususnya Etnis Jawa

Nur Mujaddidah Mochtar (1)
(1) Department of Anatomy and Histology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya, Sutorejo No.39 Surabaya, Indonesia


Background: There are various circumstances where measurements are not actually possible, replacement parameters can be used to estimate body height. Many characteristics of body height measurement and how to measure it. These include anthropometric measurements that can be used for the identification of medicolegal-forensic processes. Body height in clinical medicine and in the field of scientific research can be easily estimated using various anthropometric parameters such as arm span, knee height, foot length and foot breadth, and others. The arm span and foot length has proved to be one of the most reliable predictors. This study was conducted to estimate of body height from arm span and foot length using the regression equation and to determine the correlation between the body height and arm span and foot length.

Methods: This study was conducted at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya with 182 Javanese female students. Stature, arm span and foot length measured directly using anthropometric technique and measuring tape. The data obtained were then analyzed with SPSS version 16. The regression equation was derived for the estimate of body height and the relationship between stature, arm span and foot length determined by the Pearson correlation.

               Results: We found that the mean body height of Javanese women was 1534,45 ± 47,623  mm, mean of arm span 1543,25 ± 60,468 mm and the mean of foot length 226,14 ± 9,586 mm. The correlation between stature and arm span was positive and significant (r = 0,715  , p <0,05). The correlation between stature and foot length was positive and significant (r = 0,726 , p <0,05). The correlation between stature and arm span and foot length was positive and significant (r = 0,798, p <0,05).

               Conclusion: Body height correlates well with the arm span and foot length so that it can be used as a reliable marker for high estimates using regression equations.

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Nur Mujaddidah Mochtar (Primary Contact)
Author Biography

Nur Mujaddidah Mochtar, Department of Anatomy and Histology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya, Sutorejo No.39 Surabaya

Department of Anatomy and Histology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya, Sutorejo No.39 Surabaya
Mochtar, N. M. (2018). Prediksi Tinggi Badan Ditentukan dari Panjang Rentang Lengan dan Panjang Telapak Kaki Pada Mongoloid Feminina Khususnya Etnis Jawa. Qanun Medika - Medical Journal Faculty of Medicine Muhammadiyah Surabaya, 2(2).

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