Nina’s Characterization Reflected in the Speech Acts in Black Swan Film

Arina Lubsi (1), Dwijani Ratnadewi (2), Armeria Wijaya (3)
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This thesis entitled Nina’s Characterization Reflected in the Speech Acts in Black Swan Film. Question of the research are what kinds of speech acts which show Nina’s double characters in the film “Black Swanâ€, what are the intended meanings of those speech acts and why does Nina use those speech acts in film “Black Swanâ€. This study is aimed to find the kinds of speech acts which show Nina’s double characters in the film “Black Swanâ€, to analyze the intended meanings of those speech acts, and the last to explain why Nina uses those speech acts in film “Black Swanâ€. This study makes reference to Yule, Searle and Taleb theory. This research is qualitative research. The data of the research are the utterances of Nina which have been obtained from the film script. From the data analysis, it is found that 15 utterances which have intended meaning spread by 5 macro classes of speech act : 6 utterances of representative, 5 utterances of Expressive, 2 utterances of directive, 1 utterance of commissive, and 1 utterance of declarative. Beside that, the reason of the use of speech act is because she is getting OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) which can create delusion in herself and destroy her life

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Arina Lubsi (Primary Contact)
Dwijani Ratnadewi
Armeria Wijaya
Lubsi, A., Ratnadewi, D., & Wijaya, A. (2018). Nina’s Characterization Reflected in the Speech Acts in Black Swan Film. Tell : Teaching of English Language and Literature Journal, 2(1), 1–7.

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