Critical Discourse Analysis Related to Power Relation in Film “The Judge”

Ahmad Cholilir Rozzaq (1), Dwijani Ratnadewi (2)
(1) Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya, Indonesia,
(2) , Indonesia


The researcher analyzed power relation in film “The Judge†by using theory of CDA in interpreting hidden meaning of words. CDA was a theory that study about the relation between the social life and talk in interaction. The approach of this research was CDA’s van Dijk as it became the most appropriate theory to analyze since grammar, metaphor, intonation, social cognition and societal structures were included. In this research, descriptive qualitative was applied to analyze the data. “The Judge†film script was used as the source of data. The researcher focused on the main character’s words which contain power in the social relation especially in court. Some powers had been found in this research, there were power as control and threat that main characters used in building their conversation. In this research, main characters used power in the community because they wanted to dominate the conversation.

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Ahmad Cholilir Rozzaq (Primary Contact)
Dwijani Ratnadewi
Rozzaq, A. C., & Ratnadewi, D. (2015). Critical Discourse Analysis Related to Power Relation in Film “The Judge”. Tell : Teaching of English Language and Literature Journal, 4(1), 10–22.

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