           That family business are important and affect the economy of a country especially in developing countries both in terms of contributions to GDP and labor absorption. The purpose of this paper is to identify factors affecting the performance of family business run by women entrepreneurs in Melaka, Malaysia. This study used a quantitative approach, by distributing and collecting questionnaires from 150 female respondents who have their own business. This study found evidence that goals and motivations, networks, and sales affect the performance of family firms. While management practices are not important. The implication of this research is that women entrepreneurs consulting, management and business counseling and training activities are not needed in developing and enlarging their business.
Keywords : Family business, Business Performance, management practices.
Correspondence to :wahjonos@gmail.com, nieda_anim@yahoo.com, a_m_rina@yahoo.com, hasansaleh@utem.edu.my
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