Petunjuk Penulis

BALANCE Journal: Economic, Business, Management and Accounting Journal is a six-monthly Scientific Publication published by the Faculty of Economics and Business Muhammadiyah Surabaya. To support further publications so that this journal can continue to be published continuously, the editors accept scientific articles in the form of empirical research, case reports, and literature review articles.

How To Deliver A Script To Us?

  1. Manuscripts can be research results, conceptual articles/non-research results, case reports, and research from medical science that other publishers have never published.
  2. Attaching the author bio
  3. Manuscripts sent must be accompanied by a statement letter signed by the author stating that the manuscript has NEVER been previously published in any journal and is not being considered by another publication and that all authors have reviewed the manuscript and agree that the manuscript will be published in the journal This. The attached statement letter format can be downloaded at SUBMISSION PREPARATION.
  4. Manuscripts submitted to the editorial board will be reviewed generally and sent to expert editors/Bestari Partners. Based on the recommendation, the editor will then communicate the decision whether it is accepted/rejected/revised.

The manuscript is written in an academic and effective language style, consisting of the following:

  1. The title is written at the top of the page, followed by:
    1. Full name of the main author and all authors without academic degrees
    2. Names of departments and institutions of the author
    3. Abstract, no more than 350 words, includes problem background, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.
    4. Keywords, 3-10 keywords that match the title and content
    5. Correspondence address, telephone number, or email address of the author for correspondence
  2. Research article must be arranged according to sub-headings :
    1. Introduction
    2. Literature Review
    3. Methods
    4. Result
    5. Discussion
    6. Conclussion And Recommendation
    7. Bibliography

Editors receive article manuscripts by the end of November for the January issue and the end of May for the July issue. At least two copies of the manuscript and softcopy in Microsoft Word format are saved. This article is typed at least one and a half spaces on A4 paper with no more than 15 pages in Times New Roman 11 font. Abstract 1 column and fill in 2 columns with 1.5 spaces.

Before referencing, if there is assistance from professionals other than the author, the acknowledgment may be made briefly to the appropriate professional who has contributed to the manuscript's completion.

You can use the Havard Referencing Guide for references and bibliography, which can be seen in the Havard System Writing Guide.