Perilaku Pencegahan Cacat Pada Pasien Kusta


  • Srinalesti Mahanani Prodi Keperawatan Program Sarjana, STIKES RS Baptis Kediri, Kediri, Indonesia
  • Iin Nurmasfufah Prodi Keperawatan Program Sarjana, STIKES RS Baptis Kediri, Kediri, Indonesia



Behavior, Disability Prevention and Disability Increase, Leprosy, Disability


Leprosy occurs due to impaired neurological function in the eyes, hands or feet. The principle of the prevention of disability and the severity of disability is essentially 3M: Checking the eyes, hands and feet regularly, protecting the eyes, hands and feet from physical trauma and self-care. The purpose of this study is to study the behavior of prevention of defects and the increase of defects in leprosy patients in the Outpatient Installation of Leprosy Hospital Kediri. The design of this study is descriptive. The population of this research is leprosy patient with purposive sampling technique of 92 subjects. Variables are preventive behaviors, data collection using structured interviews. Analyzed using frequency distribution. The result of this research is 54,3% leprosy patients have defect prevention behavior and less defect and 45,7% of leprosy patients have defect prevention behavior and sufficient defect increase. It was concluded that leprosy patients in the Outpatient Installation of Leprosy Hospital Kediri have defect prevention behavior and less defect increment.

Author Biographies

Srinalesti Mahanani, Prodi Keperawatan Program Sarjana, STIKES RS Baptis Kediri, Kediri, Indonesia

Lahir di Yogyakarta, 6 Desember 1986. Riwayat pendidikan Sarjana dan Ners di Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta lulus tahun 2010. Magister Keperawatan di Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Airlangga Surabaya, lulus tahun 2014. Pengalaman bekerja di STIKES Bethesda Yakkum Yogyakarta s.d tahun 2011 dan STIKES RS. Baptis Kediri sejak 2011 – sekarang. Mengampu matakuliah bidang Keperawatan Komplementer, Perawatan Paliatif, Riset Keperawatan dan Manajemen Keperawatan. Aktif dalam penelitian bidang kesehatan dan rutin melaksanakan pengabdian kepada masyarakat

Iin Nurmasfufah, Prodi Keperawatan Program Sarjana, STIKES RS Baptis Kediri, Kediri, Indonesia

mahasiswa STIKES RS Baptis Kediri


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