Efektifitas Edukasi Terpadu Dalam Meningkatkan Efikasi Diri Pasien Pasca Operasi Total Hip Dan Knee Replacement di Rumah Sakit
Integrated education, self-efficacy, Total Hip and Knee ReplacementAbstract
Objective: Â The research aimed in investigate the effectiveness of the integrated education in improving the self-efficacy of the patients post opeation of the replacements of the hip and knee joints.
Methods:  In the research the search was carried out using the following databases: PubMed, Google Scholar, ProQuest and Science Direct. The next step was a secondary search based on the reference to the primary search results. There were 9articles so that the total inclusion of 16 articles
Results: Â The research results obtained after the intervention revealed that the participants of the education empowerment group showed significantly higher self-care competence and self-efficacy. Thus after giving an integrated educational intervention, there was an increase in the self-efficacyof the patients.
Conclusion:  It could be seen that were was an influence of the intervention on the increase of the self-efficacy of the patients after the operations of  replacement of the hip and knee joints.References
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