
  • Riana Prastiwi Handayani Universitas Muhammadiyah Lamongan




Differences, drugs sale, covid-19


Objective: Covid-19 became a concern in the world at the end of December 2019 and Indonesia was no exception. The virus entered Indonesia in March 2020 which caused Indonesian people to limit their activities outside. If they are sick, they choose to do self-medication first by buying medicine at pharmacy store for fear to visit health care facilities (puskesmas, hospitals and clinics). This study focused on finding out the difference between drug sales before and during the Covid-19 pandemic at pharmacy store. This study is an observational with a retrospective design with purposive sampling.

Methods: The instrument used in this study to collected the data on drug sales is observation form. The study was conducted in two pharmacy stores in Lamongan, East Java. The results of the study at the first pharmacy store showed that drug sales during Covid-19 were more (1,396 drugs) than before Covid-19 (758 drugs) with p<0.05. Likewise in the second pharmacy store, sales of drugs during covid-19 were more (40,993 drugs) than before covid- 19 (40,062 drugs) with p> 0.05.

Results: The results of the study at the first pharmacy store showed that drug sales during Covid-19 were more (1,396 drugs) than before Covid-19 (758 drugs) with p<0.05. Likewise in the second pharmacy store, sales of drugs during covid-19 were more (40,993 drugs) than before covid-19 (40,062 drugs) with p> 0.05.

Conclusion: In conclusion, there is a difference between drug sales before covid-19 and during covid-19 where drug sales increased during covid-19.


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Drug Therapy

Pharmacy Store

Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah Edisi Khusus ICHIT 2023




P Value


During Pandemic (drugs)


563 6.310


993 0,317

Classification Before pandemic


Analgetic and

antipiretic 20.904 Multivitamin dan

suplement 6.338 Decongestan 3.480 Mucolitic,

expectorant and

antitusif 9.340


Based on table 1, the results show that there are differences in drug sales before and during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Keluarga Sehat Sugio Pharmacy Store with increasing drug sales from 758 drugs before the pandemic to 1,396 drugs during the COVID-19 pandemic. These results are supported by a p value <0.05 which indicates that there is a significant difference in drug sales before and during COVID-19 at the Keluarga Sehat Sugio Pharmacy Store. It can happened because during the COVID- 19 pandemic, people prefer to self-medicate by buying drugs at pharmacy store, in line with research conducted in Kenya showing that community self- medication during the COVID-19 pandemic increased from 36.2% to 60.4% ( Onchonga et al, 2020).

The most sold drugs during the COVID-19 pandemic were multivitamins and supplements, as many as 560 multivitamins and supplements. Multivitamins and supplements are the people's choice during a pandemic because they are known to have a positive effect in increasing the immune system as an effort to prevent COVID-19 (Mukti, 2020). In addition, patients who are confirmed positive for COVID-19 without symptoms and with mild to moderate symptoms who are self-isolating need vitamins C and D as pharmacological therapy (Burhan et al, 2022).

Based on table 2, the results show that there are differences in drug sales before and during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Fa Mitra Pucuk pharmacy store with p value> 0.05 which indicates that there is a difference but not significant, different from the Keluarga Sehat Sugio pharmacy store. The difference is noted by increasing drug sales at Fa

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