Gambaran Kandungan Fe Pada ASI Ibu Menyusui Pada Enam Bulan Pertama


  • Umi Marifah UMSurabaya



Fe, breastfeeding


Objective: The research aims to describe the content of Fe in the breast milk of nursing mothers
Methods: This research is descriptive with a cross-sectional research design. This study aims to determine the Fe content in breast milk at Puskesmas Tanah Kali Kedinding. The average content of Fe breast milk is 10.39 mg/ml.
Results: As many as 16 people (57%) of breastfeeding mothers have Fe breast milk content below 10.39 mg/ml. The content of Fe breast milk in breastfeeding mothers is still below 10.39 mg/ml and as much as 43% above average (>10.39%).
Conclusion: The content of Fe in breast milk in nursing mothers is low (<10.39%), and there is a high (>10.39%)


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