Pengaruh Pemberian Kombinasi Short Wave Diathermy Dan Mc Kenzie Exercise Terhadap Penurunan Nyeri Pada Penderita LBP Myogenic Di RS Semen Gresik
Mc Kenzie Exercise, Low Back Pain, Short Wave Diathermi (SWD)Abstract
Objective: To find out whether the administration of SWD and Mc Kenzie Exercise has an effect on reducing pain in patients with myiogenic low back paint conditions at Semen Gresik Hospital.
Methods: This article uses pre and post test experiments conducted on 20 patients with low back pain at Semen Gresik Hospital. Strengthening exercises were carried out for 4 weeks with an intensity of 8 meetings (2 times a week).
Results: SWD procedure and MC Kenzie exercise had a significant effect on reducing pain in patients with myogenic Low Back Pain (LBP) conditions at Semen Gresik Hospital with an average reduction in pain of 2,9. The initial value (pre-test) was 4,55 to 1,65 after receiving the SWD procedure and Mc Kenzie exercise (post-test) for 1 month (8 meetings).
 Conclusion: SWD procedure and MC Kenzie exercise had a significant effect on reducing pain intencity of 20 patients at Semen Gresik Hospital with Low Back Pain (LBP) Myiogenic as a respondent.
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