Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Klinis Dalam Keperawatan


  • Muminah Muminah manajemen keperawatan, prodi magister keperawatan, fakultas ilmu keperawatan, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
  • Rr. Tutik Sri Haryati manajemen keperawatan, prodi magister keperawatan, fakultas ilmu keperawatan, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia


Clinical Decision Support System, CDSS, Nursing


Introduction: Clinical decision making in nursing requires the support of accurate data and a well-constructed system. But currently clinical decision making in nursing has not been widely not even supported by clinical decision support systems in both hospitals and other health services. Objective: know the support system of clinical decisions that can be applied in clinical decision making by nurses in health services, especially hospitals. Method: Systematic searches are performed in proquest and Scopus databases with the keywords Clinical decision support system and Nursing. Inclusion criteria are articles published in the last 5 years of 2017 to 2021, full text, discussing the use of clinical decision support systems by nurses, using all research methods both qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods, cohorts and surveys and English articles. Results: Obtained six research articles that fit the criteria of inclusion. Consists of studies of the utilization of clinical decision support systems in the emergency department triage, accuracy in determining nursing diagnoses, monitoring patient conditions, nurse experience in receiving patient condition reports over the phone. Discussion: The Clinical Decision Support System is very useful for improving the accuracy of triage in the emergency department. In addition, it also improves the professionalism of nursing care including drug management.

Author Biographies

Muminah Muminah, manajemen keperawatan, prodi magister keperawatan, fakultas ilmu keperawatan, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia

magister keperawatan, Mahasiswa

Rr. Tutik Sri Haryati, manajemen keperawatan, prodi magister keperawatan, fakultas ilmu keperawatan, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia

Magister keperawatan, dosen


Johansson-Pajala Rose-Marie, Martin, L., & Jorsäter, B. K. (2018). Registered nurses’ use of computerised decision support in medication reviews. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 31(6), 531-544. doi:

Stone L, Elisabeth, Capell, Hill . (2019) Clinical decision support systems in the emergency department: Opportunities to improve triage accuracy: JEN. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 45(2), 220-222. doi:

Diogo,Regina Célia dos Santos, PhD., Gengo, R. d. C., Butcher, S., PhD., & Peres, H. H. C., PhD. (2021). Evaluation of the accuracy of nursing diagnoses determined by users of a clinical decision support system. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 53(4), 519-526. doi:

Holmström, I.,K., Kaminsky, E., Lindberg, Y., Spangler, D., & Winblad, U. (2021). The perspectives of swedish registered nurses about managing difficult calls to emergency medical dispatch centres: A qualitative descriptive study. BMC Nursing, 20, 1-8. doi:

Björkman, A., Engström, M., Winblad, U., & Holmström, I.,K. (2021). Malpractice claimed calls within the swedish healthcare direct: A descriptive – comparative case study. BMC Nursing, 20, 1-8. doi:

Gibbs, J., Greany, C., Berger, K., & Falciglia, M. (2020). Using a clinical support system to facilitate nurses' adherence to treatment protocols for hypoglycemia. Medsurg Nursing, 29(6), 381-385,410. Retrieved from nurses/docview/2470677553/se-2?accountid=17242

Lagerin A, Törnkvist L, Fastbom J, Lundh L. (2021) District nurses’ experiences of using a clinical decision support system and an assessment tool at elderly care units in primary health care: a qualitative study. Primary Health Care Research & Development 22(e45): 1–7. doi: 10.1017/S1463423621000530

Lagerin A, Lundh L, Törnkvist L, Fastbom J. (2020) District nurses’ use of a decision support and assessment tool to improve the quality and safety of medication use in older adults: a feasibility study. Primary Health Care Research & Development 21(e15): 1–8. doi: 10.1017/S1463423620000092

Wouters LT, Zwart DL, Erkelens DC, et al.(2020) Tinkering and overruling the computer decision support system: Working strategies of telephone triage nurses who assess the urgency of callers suspected of having an acute cardiac event. J Clin Nurs. 2020;29:1175–1186. diakses pada tanggal 20 oktober 2021 jam 23.30 diakses pada tanggal 20 oktober 2021 jam 23.50

