Virtuos Character Ecoliterasy Game, Solutions for Dependency on Students SB.Aisyiyah Pandan Kampung Kuala Lumpur


  • Pheni Cahya Kartika Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya
  • Idhoofiyatul Fatin Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya


Kata Kunci:

ecoliteracy, virtuous character, students


The community group that is a partner is SB. Aisyiyah Kampung Pandan Kuala Lumpur, Guidance Center (SB) under the coordination of the Kuala Lumpur Indonesian School (SIKL) Malaysia which has students in border areas and some are Indonesian citizen students who live in the Kuala Lumpur region of Malaysia presenting real education to students who really need it, especially Indonesian children who live around Kuala Lumpur(Asosiasi LPTK PTM, 2022) and the location is the Kuala Lumpur alliance area which is quite large and even has a major influence, densely populated residential areas in the highlands of course have significant problems namely, social, environmental, educational and economic problems. Schools as educational institutions have an important role in the success of the education of children around them, educational institutions of guidance studios or commonly referred to as SB, are educational institutions established to facilitate children of Indonesian migrant workers, one of which is called SB Aisyiyah Kampung Pandan Kuala Lumpur has weaknesses in presenting a learning environment that is needed by students in the region, not to mention that students also use excessive gadgets so that learning at school is felt to be reduced. Many factors influence students' right to learn. SB has attempted a learning that is able to break down students' competency in literacy through learning that reduces the excessive use of gadgets in students, but it is still too simple with conventional methods. This effort is not optimal because there are only efforts in terms of physical learning so it is necessary to add methods that are able to revive the learning in an effort to fully revitalize and have character, the solution that will be carried out, among others, for teachers is in the form of counseling about preventive efforts in the field of virtuous character ecoliteracy learning for teachers , while students in the form of implementing ecoliteracy-based games for children in developing human resources for the formation of virtuous character for preventive efforts, and assisting ecoliteracy activities through storytelling, reading, writing, and recycling of waste and other management.


Asosiasi LPTK PTM. (2022). KKN & Pengabdian Kemitraan Internasional PTMA: Pelopor Pendidikan SB SIKL Malaysia (Angkatan 1). ALPTKPTM Web. kemitraan-internasional-ptma-pelopor-pendidikan-sb-sikl-malaysia/

Kuntjara, E. H. P. (2013). Panduan Pelaksanaan Service Learning Pengabdian (1st ed.). LPPM Petra.

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Cara Mengutip

Pheni Cahya Kartika, & Idhoofiyatul Fatin. (2024). Virtuos Character Ecoliterasy Game, Solutions for Dependency on Students SB.Aisyiyah Pandan Kampung Kuala Lumpur. International Proceeding of Community Services, 4(1).