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E-learning as one of the benefits of the internet is very supportive for teaching and learning process. Therefore, the mastery ability of e-learning teacher become the key word in e-learning activity in education. The use of computers for the e-learning process using moodle and geogebra in learning mathematics plays an important role as a medium to create effective and efficient learning for teachers in SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Godean, SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Godean, SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Minggir, SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Minggir, SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Mlati. The existence of e-learning will facilitate teachers and students in receiving mathematics lessons and also enhance the quality of teaching and learning. The accompaniment of the implementation of IbM training using e-learning using moodle combined with geogebra was conducted at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Godean and resulted in e-learning learning media. The mentoring also resulted in an understanding with the principal that the training could be continued for other subjects.
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- Andraphanova.N. 2015.Geometrical similarity transformations in Dynamic Geometry Environment GeoGebra. European Journal of Contemporary Education, 12(2):116-128
- Bako, M. 2003. Different Projecting Methods In Teaching Spatial Geometry. European Research in Mathematics Education III
- Dindyal, J. 2015. Geometry in The Early Years: A Commentary. ZDM Mathematics Education.47 : 519–529
- Del Grande, J. 1990. Spatial Sense. The Arithmetic Teacher, 37(6): 14–20
- Guven, B & Kosa, A. 2008.The Effect of Dynamic Geometry Software On Student Mathematics Teachers’ Spatial Visualization Skills. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 7 (4) : 1-8
- Guzel, N & Sener, E. 2009. High School Students’ Spatial Ability and Creativity in Geometry. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 1 : 1763–1766
- Hmelo. S. 2004. Problem-Based Learning: What and How Do Student Learn?.Educational Psychology Review, 16(3): 235-266
- Hudojo, H. 1988. Mengajar Belajar Matematika, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Jakarta.
- Hung, W., David H. J., & Rude Liu. 2008. “Problem-based learningâ€. Handbook of research on educational communications and technology, 3: 485-506.
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- Kurtuluu, A & Uygan, C. 2010.The Effects Of Google Sketchup Based Geometry Activities And Projects On Spatial Visualization Ability Of Student Mathematics Teachers. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 9: 384–389
- Kuzniak.A & Rauscher, J.C. 2011.How do teachers’ approaches to geometric work relate to geometry students’ learning difficulties?. Educ Stud Math, 77:129–147
- Mulligan, J. 2015.Looking Withinand Beyond The Geometry Curriculum: Connecting Spatial Reasoning To Mathematics Learning. ZDM Mathematics Education, 47:511–517
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- Richardson, K & Stein, C. 2008.Developing Spatial Sense And Communication Skills. Mathematics Teaching In The Middle School, 14(2): 101-107
- Rajagopal, S dkk.2015.Attitude of Secondary Students towards the Use of GeoGebra in Learning Loci in Two Dimensions. International Education Studies, 8(13): 27-32
- Rohaeti, et al. 2014.Enhancingstudents’ Mathematical Logical Thinking Ability and Self-Regulated LearningThroughProblem-Based Learning. International Journal of Education, 8(1): 54-63
- Saha, R. A dkk. 2010. “The Effects of GeoGebra on Mathematics Achievement: Enlightening Coordinate Geometry Learningâ€. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 8 : 686–693
- Tandililing, E. 2011.“The Enhancement of Mathematical Communication and Self-Regulated Learning of Senior High School Students ThroughPQ4R Strategy Accompanied by Refutation Text Readingâ€.Proceding of International Seminar and the Fourth National Conference on Mathematics Education 2011. 917-928
- Tuluk, G. 2013. “Meaningful learning approach in dynamic and interactive learning environment: plan for a geometry class on point, line, surface, objectâ€. International Journal Of Academic Research, 5 (4): 384-398
Andraphanova.N. 2015.Geometrical similarity transformations in Dynamic Geometry Environment GeoGebra. European Journal of Contemporary Education, 12(2):116-128
Bako, M. 2003. Different Projecting Methods In Teaching Spatial Geometry. European Research in Mathematics Education III
Dindyal, J. 2015. Geometry in The Early Years: A Commentary. ZDM Mathematics Education.47 : 519–529
Del Grande, J. 1990. Spatial Sense. The Arithmetic Teacher, 37(6): 14–20
Guven, B & Kosa, A. 2008.The Effect of Dynamic Geometry Software On Student Mathematics Teachers’ Spatial Visualization Skills. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 7 (4) : 1-8
Guzel, N & Sener, E. 2009. High School Students’ Spatial Ability and Creativity in Geometry. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 1 : 1763–1766
Hmelo. S. 2004. Problem-Based Learning: What and How Do Student Learn?.Educational Psychology Review, 16(3): 235-266
Hudojo, H. 1988. Mengajar Belajar Matematika, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Jakarta.
Hung, W., David H. J., & Rude Liu. 2008. “Problem-based learningâ€. Handbook of research on educational communications and technology, 3: 485-506.
I Kadek S, I Dewa Made. 2014. E-Learning Berbasis Moodle. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu
Kurtuluu, A & Uygan, C. 2010.The Effects Of Google Sketchup Based Geometry Activities And Projects On Spatial Visualization Ability Of Student Mathematics Teachers. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 9: 384–389
Kuzniak.A & Rauscher, J.C. 2011.How do teachers’ approaches to geometric work relate to geometry students’ learning difficulties?. Educ Stud Math, 77:129–147
Mulligan, J. 2015.Looking Withinand Beyond The Geometry Curriculum: Connecting Spatial Reasoning To Mathematics Learning. ZDM Mathematics Education, 47:511–517
NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics). 2000. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. Amerika Serikat: NCTM.
Richardson, K & Stein, C. 2008.Developing Spatial Sense And Communication Skills. Mathematics Teaching In The Middle School, 14(2): 101-107
Rajagopal, S dkk.2015.Attitude of Secondary Students towards the Use of GeoGebra in Learning Loci in Two Dimensions. International Education Studies, 8(13): 27-32
Rohaeti, et al. 2014.Enhancingstudents’ Mathematical Logical Thinking Ability and Self-Regulated LearningThroughProblem-Based Learning. International Journal of Education, 8(1): 54-63
Saha, R. A dkk. 2010. “The Effects of GeoGebra on Mathematics Achievement: Enlightening Coordinate Geometry Learningâ€. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 8 : 686–693
Tandililing, E. 2011.“The Enhancement of Mathematical Communication and Self-Regulated Learning of Senior High School Students ThroughPQ4R Strategy Accompanied by Refutation Text Readingâ€.Proceding of International Seminar and the Fourth National Conference on Mathematics Education 2011. 917-928
Tuluk, G. 2013. “Meaningful learning approach in dynamic and interactive learning environment: plan for a geometry class on point, line, surface, objectâ€. International Journal Of Academic Research, 5 (4): 384-398