Analysis of Public Trust toward CHSE Certification Policy


  • jurnal camp Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya



The era of adapting to new habits as a triger for the economic development is expected to generate a sense of public trust to return to travel in the Pandemic Era. However, the increasing growth rate of Covid-19 accompanied by the emergence of new cluster has made people reluctant to travel. Therefore, the CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environmental Sustainability) Certification Policy promoted by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy aims to provide guarantees to ensure the safety and comfort of the community while travelling. This Policy also aims to build the confidence of entrepreneurs in the tourism sector to survive in the era of adaptaion to new habits, given that the CHSE certification policy is open to all tourism businesses in Indonesia. The Interesting matter in this research was that researchers could find benckmark for the succes of CHSE policies, through the level of public trust in tourism business actors who have been CHSE certified by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. The objective of this scientific research is relevant and actual for nowadays because it can determine the level of public confidence in the CHSE certification policy in the city of Surabaya. The method  used in this research was quantitative with 100 samples. The Results of this research are expected to add to the scientific treasury of public administration in the field of innovative public policy analysis.


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