Implementasi Metode Takror Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Miftahul Abidin Surabaya


  • Zainal Arifin Faculty Of Islamic Studies, Muhammadiyah Surabaya University



This research is motivated by some problems, the first is the low quality of
education and the second is the gap of science knowledge in Indonesia.
This study aims to determine what method takror meaning, how Takror
implementation of methods Takror in learning Arabic at at madrasah ibtidaiyah
miftahul abidin Surabaya, nnything supporting and inhibiting factors in
implementating of methods Takror in learning arabic at at madrasah ibtidaiyah
miftahul abidin surabaya.
The method used in this research is field research with qualitative naturalistic
descriptive, and case study approach of the research is descriptive; explained;
interpreted the data, then generate descriptive data that is behaviours and words
written or spoken of people that can be observed. whereas the results of the data
analysis presented in a narrative descriptive form, which occurs naturally just the
way it is, and in a normal situation that is not manipulated circumstances and
condition. Technique data collecting is done by observation, interviews and
documentation. Data analysis techniques in this research is descriptive qualitative
inductive. While the techniques used in checking the validity of the data is an
extension of the participation, persistence observation, triangulation, examination
peers through discussion. The triangulation techniques used by researchers is the
triangulation of data, methods, and resources.
The results of this study can be concluded that Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Miftahul
Abidin Surabaya has implemented Takror methods in learning arabic well, and
in accordance with the principles and steps that exist. There are factors supporting
the implementation of Takror method in learning Arabic at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Miftahul Abidin Surabaya, the suitability of Arabic material to the method taht is
used, the support of the principal, teachers and their students' learning interest.
There is also a inhabitting factor in implementating Takror methods in Arabic
learning at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Miftahul Abidin Surabaya, namely the lack of
time allocation that is the two meetings in one week with a duration of 80
minutes, sometimes causes the result of Takror is less than optimal results.
Speaking skill that uneven on all students sometimes make students less confident
when issuing argument.




