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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

1. TADARUS Journal articles are typed in Indonesian or English using Times New Roman font on A4 paper with a left-top-right-bottom margin is 4-3-3-3 cm.

2. The title is typed using capital letters Times New Roman 12pt space 1.5.

3. The author's identity includes name, affiliation, and email typed using Times New Roman letters 12pt space 1.15. Author's names are written without titles, affiliation is written just one for several authors with the same affiliation, and emails are written for all authors.

4. Abstract is typed in two languages, Indonesian and English separately with the same provisions, using Times New Roman letters 10 pt space 1.5. Abstract Indonesian and English each consists of 150-250 words in 1 paragraph only.

5. Abstract keywords consist of 3-5 words/short phrases with alphabetical writing for Indonesian (adjusting the order of the Indonesian alphabet for English), lowercase letters, and separated by commas.

6. The contents of the article are the introduction, research methods, results and discussion, and conclusions.

  • Introduction includes background of the problem, hypothesis (if any), a brief literature review, solutions that have ever existed, solutions provided in the author's research accompanied by differences with existing solutions, and research objectives. The composition of the introduction is 15% -20% of the total pages.
  • The research method includes research subjects, research locations, research variables, research instruments, research steps, data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques. Other things can be added according to the type of research needs. The research method is written with a composition of 8% -10% of the total pages of the article.
  • Results and discussion are written as a single unit (not separated) which contains the results of the processed data, not the raw data. In this section the authors not only describe the results, but also provide the linkages of the results with references that have been referenced. The composition of results and discussion is 50% -60% of the total pages of the article.
  • Conclusions include solutions to problems and research objectives in the introduction, can be a summary of the results but not a repeat of the results and discussion section. Conclusions are enough to write in one paragraph with a composition of 5% of the total pages of the article.

7. Tables can be embedded in the introduction, methods, or results and discussion. Tables are typed using Times New Roman 12pt, spacing 1, the table lines are only for the horizontal lines in the header row and end of the table (without vertical lines). The table title starts from number 1, with the title written at the top of the table using capital letters for each word (except prepositions, dashes, etc.)

8. Images can be embedded in the introduction, methods, or results and discussion. The position of the image is centered with a separate title from table, i.e. it starts with number 1, with the title written at the bottom of the picture using Times New Roman capital fonts for each word (except prepositions, conjunctions, etc.), space 1.

9. 80% citations are library research journals, proceedings, books, or other research reports such as bachelor thesis, master thesis, or dissertation using APA style, written last name and year in parentheses, without including the page numbers: (Fulan, 2016). Citation of news and documents from the web is allowed but not more than 20%. Every cited reference must be included in the bibliography. Writing citations and bibliography is recommended to use Mendeley or the Citation & Bibiliography menu in Ms. Word.

10. Bibliography contains all references cited in APA format typed using Times New Roman letters with spaces 1. The reference title is written in capital letters only for the first word and/or abbreviation, city name, etc.


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