Upaya Kesehatan Masyarakat dalam Konteks Covid 19


  • Annisa Nurida Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya


Prevention efforts are more efficient, do not cost a lot of for care, do not cause pain and do not
lose productive time. Public Health Science as a science that prioritizes handling on prevention
efforts. Preventive medicine is intended to prevent disease from occurring, prevent disease
from progressing to more severe level and prevent disease complications and cause disability.
A disease incidence is affected by three factors, called as epidemiologic triangle, in which it
consists of host, agent and environment. If a disease occurs in a person or a population, what
should be conducted is to strengthen at least one of the three elements of the epidemiologic
Herd Immunity has shifted in meaning now, where it is similar to the process of allowing people
or populations to be naturally exposed to Covid-19. In fact, the concept of herd immunity is
best applied when a population has been vaccinated. With this shift in understanding, it is
undeniable that the number of deaths in Indonesia has increased.
Public Health Science is a multidisciplinary field. It is a science and art that maintains and
improves public health through community organizing. Public health is very broad not only
from sanitation engineering, curative medicine, preventive medicine and even social science,
it is all related to economic stability in a region and even a country.
Keywords: preventive medicine, epidemiologic triangle, herd immunity


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Leavell,H.R dan Clark,E.G., (1965). Preventive Medicine for Doctor in his Community. New

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National Geographic, (20 March 2020.) Cathleen O'Grady, The U.K. backed off on herd

immunity. To beat COVID-19, we’ll ultimately need it

Abraham H. Maslow, 2010,Motivation and Personality.Rajawali,Jakarta

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