Tata Laksana Apendisitis Akut di Era Pandemi Covid-19


  • Yohni Wahyu Finansah Departemen Bedah FK Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya
  • Aldo Dwi Prastya Dokter Muda FK Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya -RSUD Soegiri Lamongan
  • Siska Mawaddatunnadila Dokter Muda FK Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya -RSUD Soegiri Lamongan


Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix vermiformis caused by a blockage in the form
of fecalit or infection and is the cause of most cases of acute abdomen that occur. Acute
abdomen requires emergency action, many cases of appendicitis in Indonesia require fast and
precise action to prevent perforation. The diagnosis of acute appendicitis is based on history,
physical examination, and supporting examinations such as ultrasound examination (USG).
Management of appendicitis can be operative and non-operative. Conservative management
of antibiotics in uncomplicated appendicitis will have a risk of recurrent appendicitis ranging
from 16-40% of initial treatment within one year. However, if the patient's condition worsens
or treatment with antibiotics is unsuccessful, an appendectomy is performed either by open
surgery or by laparoscopy. Acute abdominal pain in Covid-19 patients poses a dilemma for
doctors, delaying surgical management can lead to serious complications and even death. Vice
versa, performing unnecessary surgery on Covid-19 patients causes iatrogenic morbidity and
death. Therefore, the surgeon is obliged to adhere to the protocol established by the Indonesian
General Surgeons Society.
Keywords: appendicitis, pandemi, COVID-19


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