Hubungan Tingkat Pendidikan dan Pemahaman Masyarakat dengan Prevalensi Covid19 di Jawa Timur


  • Musa Ghufron Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya


Introduction: Pandemic covid19 has entered Indonesia since the beginning of March 2020
and resulted in many changes and reactions. Various impacts have been caused by the
increasing number of patients infected with covid19 which is increasingly significant. It is
necessary to make a quick and massif effort to prevent the higher covid19 transmission rate in
Indonesia. Efforts to prevent covid19 transmission are in desperate need of active participation
of the community to succeed to the maximum. A study is needed to find out the public's
understanding of covid19 disease so that efforts to increase people's participation in breaking
the chain of transmission can be more targeted and targeted.
Method: This study uses quantitative methods by performing primary data analysis in the form
of questionnaires in the form of google form and secondary data from the official website of
the covid19 task force. The data was processed and tested to see the relationship between
education level and understanding of covid19 disease to the number of covid19 cases using the
minitab data processing app.
Result: From the double logistic regression test obtained the value of the relationship between
a person's level of understanding of covid19 disease to the number of covid19 cases of 0.447
and the relationship between the level of education to the number of covid19 cases of 0.303.
Conclusion: There is no relationship between the level of understanding about covid19 disease
and the level of education of a person to the number of covid19 cases in the community in east
Java province.
Keywords: education, understanding, prevalence, covid19


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