Dampak Pandemi COVID-19 Pada Anak


  • Gina Noor Djalilah


COVID-19 (Corona Virus Infection Disease 2019) is an acute infectious disease caused by a
virus called SARS-CoV-2, which stands for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-
2. This disease is generally characterized by symptoms of acute respiratory infection (ARI)
such as fever, cough, painful swallowing and disorders of other organs such as the heart,
kidneys, digestive system, nerves, eyes, skin, ENT, and others. It can also occur without
symptoms at all. At first the disease was discovered in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China at
the end of December 2019. In Indonesia the first cases of COVID-19 were reported on March
2, 2020.The impact of the Pandemic on children needs special attention. Based on the causes,
SARS-CoV-2 infection in children is distinguished, limited access to health services, decreased
family economic capacity and due to school closures or distance learning. In the short term,
the impact of a pandemic can increase the number of morbidity or disease, increase the
mortality rate due to late diagnosis and treatment, reduce immunization coverage, and reduce
nutritional or nutritional compliance. Meanwhile, in the long term disease outbreaks that can
be prevented by immunization can arise, increasing the prevalence of stunted and very
underweight children, developmental disorders, including psycho-social and mental
development and future generations with loss of the actual learning period.
Keywords : COVID-19, children, impact of pandemic


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