Berolahraga Aman Di Masa Pandemi COVID-19
Physical activity has proven to be beneficial in improving the clinical conditions that are most
frequently associated with severe COVID-19. Physical activity contributes to the reduction of
overall cardiovascular risks, lowering both systolic and diastolic blood pressure and
remodeling left ventricular hypertrophy. The immune system is highly responsive to physical
activity, with the extent of the response related to both duration and intensity of exercise.
Moderate-intensity exercise training is associated with a reduced incidence. Social isolation/
distancing (‘‘stay home’’) can increase sedentary behavior and decrease the level of physical
activity, which has already been linked to poor survival rates The current review summarizes
harmful effects of limited physical activity on mental and physical health due to social
distancing and quarantine and highlights the effects of simple physical activity regimes
counteracting these detrimental effects.
Keyword : COVID-19, Physical activity, Home exercise program
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