Diagnosis Laboratorium pada COVID-19


  • Nabil Salim Ambar Fakultas Kedokteran UM Surabaya



COVID-19 (corona virus disease -19) is a respiratory tract infection caused by the SARS-CoV-
2 coronavirus. The spread of this virus is so fast that, even though the cure rate is high, the
fatality rate is equally high. Controling of Corona virus transmission can be done by breaking
the chain of transmission, examining for tracking, tracing people who have had contact with
sufferers, and examining for diagnosis (testing) of COVID-19 cases. One of the functions of
the COVID-19 laboratory examination is for diagnosis. Laboratory examination parameters
that are often used for the diagnosis of COVID-19 are: Whole Blood, C-Reactive Protein
(CRP), Antibody Rapid Test and RT-PCR. However, the gold standard for COVID-19
diagnosis is RT-PCR. The purpose of this literature review is to provide an insight into a
precise, fast, and highly accurate diagnosis in order to immediately mitigate and prevent any
spike in COVID-19 cases.

Keywords : diagnosis of COVID-19, hematology examination, antibody rapid test, RT-PCR


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