The effectivity of Health Media Promotion (Leaflet) in Society’s Knowledge about Gastritis in Palopo Indonesia


  • Nilawati Uly Stikes Mega Buana Palopo
  • Sri Wahyuni Stikes Mega Buana Palopo
  • I Wajan Yuliarsa Stikes Mega Buana Palopo


Introduction: Gastritis usually defined as an inflammation in the stomach which specifically explained as an illness of the stomach or dyspepsia. Gastritis usually caused by several factors such as excessive stomach acid, weakness of the stomach wall, infection of  helicobacter pylori, poor food hygiene, gastrointestinal movement disorders, and psychological stress. Objective : This research aimed to examine the effectivity of Health Media Promotion (Leaflet) in society’s knowledge about gastritis in Indonesia.Methods: This study was conducted in Quasi Experimental Design with Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The population of this study was people who lived in KelurahanBattang, Palopo, Indonesia and suffered from gastritis. Total sampling method was used in data collection. Instrument that was used in this study was developed by the researchers which used quesioner. Data that were collected analyzed in Ms. Excel program and statistic program (SPSS) Version 20.Results: The univariat analysis to show the frequency and distribution of the data, bivariat analysis with t-test was p < 0,05, the deviation of society understanding improvement  after post-test was p=0,000. That means There is a different between pre and post test. Conclusion: there are deviations of society understanding improvement about gastritisbeetwen population of the research by giving health media promotion (leaflelt) in Kelurahan Battang Palopo city  2015. Recomendation: Using leaflets as media in developing health promotion strategies to increase the knowledge of society in promotion and prevention technique, especially regarding gastritis disease.


Keywords : leaflet, understanding, gastritis

Biografi Penulis

Nilawati Uly, Stikes Mega Buana Palopo

Stikes Mega Buana Palopo

Sri Wahyuni, Stikes Mega Buana Palopo

Stikes Mega Buana Palopo

I Wajan Yuliarsa, Stikes Mega Buana Palopo

Stikes Mega Buana Palopo


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