Kenaikan Harga Bahan Bakar Minyak (Bbm) Atas Nama Rakyat (Tinjauan Kritis Konsepsi Keadilan Sosial Ekonomi Ibnu Taimiyah)

Arin Setiyowati (1)


The continue phenomenon of fuel prices increasing in Indonesia are
always both between the two sides (there are government and
community). Debating the agree side and disagree side of being the main
contents of the escort policies. But we know the socio-economics
condition of ‘tragic’ Indonesia be raised expenditures greater than
revenues, while expenditure was only focused on subsidies of
energywhich unfortunatelymore widely used by the upper middle class
society rather than small communities. Besides external factors that affect
the pattern of the domestic politics of oil policy. In the position of the
economic dilemma, the government apllying the economic logic of "Pareto
Optimum ", it’s meanthat the transfering of enjoyment to be fair, but it isn’t
only focusing only on short-term policies, but also followed by
reconstruction the quality of sustainable development. And Ibn Taimiyyah
as one of the Islamic Economic Thinkers, which one of the legacyof the
socio- economicjustice concept to be analysis study and be the counter of
the phenomenon of rising fuel prices and Compensation Package, as well
as to macroeconomic conditions in Indonesia.
Keywords : Oil Politics, the rising prices of fuel and fuel subsidies, fuel
compensation package, The Conception of Socio-Economic Justice from
Ibn Taimiyyah.

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Arin Setiyowati (Primary Contact)
Setiyowati, A. (2019). Kenaikan Harga Bahan Bakar Minyak (Bbm) Atas Nama Rakyat (Tinjauan Kritis Konsepsi Keadilan Sosial Ekonomi Ibnu Taimiyah). Jurnal Masharif Al-Syariah: Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Perbankan Syariah, 4(1).

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