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The incidence of floods in Bojonegoro is common every year during the rainy season, flood events that cause terendamnya thousands of hectares of agricultural land and thousands of homes, flooding that occurred in Bojonegoro caused by the overflow of the Bengawan Solo river, causing flash flooding because the river upstream is derived of limestone mountains south high rainfall. Given the flood events causing substantial losses, the need for a study to analyze the potential of the region is prone to flooding in Bojonegoro. Determination zone flood-prone areas using Landsat ETM 7 integration and Map RBI produce land cover information, road networks, river networks, and Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The data is combined with historical data to produce maps of flood runoff flooding. Furthermore, the GIS analysis, the overlay data and network analyst, can be made map visualization runoff and rainwater so it can be seen the extent and causes of the flooding
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