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betty ariani ariani


Fishing Vessel which is operating especially in south coast has many problem like higher  waves, and stronger wave current than other coast. It make more impact on sea keeping or ship dynamic. Rolling is one of motion ship must be worried because rolling has bad effect in safety and comfortability of ship. This research will study about the prospective of using stability tank in order to reduce rolling motion on fishing vessel. Based on the basic principal ,we have to pay attention on stability between sea water moving ( tank moment ) and ship rolling moment. After we calculate we find the tank dimension are vertical breadht is 1 m, horizontal breadht is 2m, vertical height 1,5 m and horizontal height 1 m. In order to know the simulation of the stability tank we use program and the result are respont transient system reach in 1,5 – 2 secon and the best stability on 450 where ship periode is compatible with the fishing vessel rules in 5,5 – 7 secon.

Keyword : rolling, stability tank, moment, rolling periode, fishing vessel, control system

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Biografi Penulis

betty ariani ariani, universitas muhammadiyah surabaya

dosen Teknik Perkapalan- FT Um Surabaya