Implementasi Rentang Gerak pada Lansia yang Dipasang dengan Alat Pacu Jantung Permanen: Studi Kasus


  • Sri Rezeki Nurul Hikmawati Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Citra Windani Mambang Sari
  • Hartiah Haroen


Kata Kunci:

Elderly, Joint pain, Range of motion exercises


Background: A pacemaker is a medical device that is implanted to electrically treat chronic heart rhythm dysfunction so as to produce a good heart rhythm. Installing a pacemaker is a difficult decision for patients and causes anxiety regarding activities and lifestyle, so that individuals tend to remain silent and not carry out activities. Lack of physical activity will cause joint pain. Range of motion (ROM) exercises are effective in reducing joint pain in the elderly and safe in the elderly with heart problems. This study aims to describe the application of range of motion exercises in the elderly with permanent cardiac pacemakers.

Methods: The method used in this scientific paper is a case report conducted from 4 August 2023 to 15 August 2023. The subjects in this case study were elderly patients with permanent cardiac pacemakers. Data was collected based on the results of observations and interviews with patients.

Conclusion: After 5 days of treatment, the elderly said the pain in both knee joints had reduced. Future research can examine further the application of ROM exercises to elderly people with other degenerative cases.


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