Determinan Kemampuan Ibu Dalam Melakukan Deteksi Dini Tanda Bahaya Kehamilan


  • Rachmawati Ika Sukarsih FIK UMSURABAYA


Kata Kunci:

Kemampuan deteksi dini tanda bahaya kehamilan


Objective: to identify Determinants  Ability Of Pregnant Mothers Doing Early Detection Pregnancy Dangerous Signs.

Methods: This article Uses a Descriptive Design To Determine The Determinants That Affect The Mother's Ability To Detect Early Pregnancy Danger Signs

Results: Based on the characteristics of the respondents, the results obtained based on the age of 20-25 years as much as 25%, the level of education is mostly high school as much as 48.8%, work of housewives by 82.9%, domicile of own residence (nuclear family) by 52.%, Decision makers is husband by 51%.Based on the knowledge of the danger signs in pregnancy, the results obtained: knowing the danger signs of pregnancy 91.4%, the known danger signs of pregnancy is bleeding 65.7%


Conclusion: The mother's ability to detect early pregnancy danger signs is closely related to the characteristics of pregnant women and the support from the pregnant mother's environment.

Biografi Penulis

Rachmawati Ika Sukarsih, FIK UMSURABAYA

S1 Kebidanan FIK-UMSurabaya


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Profil Kesehatan Kota Surabaya Tahun 2018


