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Worming diseases are still a public health problem in Indonesia. This infection is still often found in cases in Southheast which is in Indonesia. Factors the geographical location on Indonesia,Which has a tropical climate and sufficient humidity, is very supportive for the development of parasites. Primary school age is a group that is often exposed to helminthiasis because is is often assosiated with soil contaminated with worm egg.This study aims to determine the prevalence of worm egg parasitic infections in the feses of student in grade 1 to grade 6 of the manyar sabrangan 231 surabaya elementary school in 2020.The research sample was faeses of grade student 1 – 6 Manyar Elementary school 231 Surabaya.Identification of worm eggs is carried out in E – Labz Telcomedika Surabaya Elementary. Data taken in the form of parasitic worm eggs based on morphological characteristics.From the result of study found in 240 elementary scholl children examined, as many as 29 children (12,1 %) positive for helminthiasis, with parasite rate of 18 children (7,5%) Ascaris lumbricoides, 7 children (2,92%) Trichiuris trichiura. The conclusion of this study, helminthiasis of student in grade 1 to grade 6 of the Manyar Sabrangan Surabaya Elementary School were found ,namely Ascaris lumbricoides,Trichiuris trichiura
Rincian Artikel
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Agoes Ridad, 2009, Parasitologi Kedokteran, EGC, Jakarta
Barda BD, Rinaldi L, Ianniello D, Zepherine H, Salvo F, Sadutshang T, et al. Mini-FLOTAC, an innovative direct diagnostic technique for intestinal parasitic infections: experience from the field. Plos Negl Trop Dis. 2013; 7: 1-7
Bisara, Dina,.Mardiana.2010. Kasus Kecacingan Pada Murid Sekolah Dasar di Kecamatan Mentewe, Kabupaten Tanah Bamboo Kalimantan Selatan Tahun 2010. Jurnal Ekologi Kesehatan Vol.13 No.3. September 2014 : 255-264
Katzung BG.2004. Farmakologi dasar dan klinik. Medika. Bagian Farmakologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga: Salemba Medika.p. 261-9
Kementrian Kesehatan RI.2016. Data dan Informasi Profil Kesehatan Indonesia. Pusat Data Dan Informasi Kementrian Kesehatan : Jakarta
Monica, P, S. Supali, T,. Wibowo, Heri. 2015. Perbandingan Uji Diagnostik Mini Flotac Dengan Kato-Katz Sebelum dan Sesudah Pengobatan Albendazol Dosis Tunggal Pada Anak yang Terinfeksi Cacing Usus. Jurnal Kedokt Meditek Volume 21, No.55, Jan-April, 2015
Rizka,I,. Nuzulia,. Machdawaty.2013. Hubungan antara Higyene Perorangan Dengan Infeksi Kecacingan Usus (Soil Transmitted Helmiths) Pada Siswa SDN 25 dan 28 Kelurahan Purus, Kota Padang, Sumatera Barat Tahun 2013. Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas, 2016; 5 (3)
Soedarto, 2011, Buku Ajar Helmintologi Kedokteran, AUP, Surabaya
Sutanto Inge dkk, 2011, Parasitologi Kedokteran, FKUI, Jakarta
Swirya,J,I,Ketut,.Romadilah.2013. Gambaran Infeksi Kecacingan Pada Siswa SDN di Kota Mataram. Jurnal Bina Ilmiah Volume 7, No.6 Desember 2013
WHO. 2012. Research Prioritas for Helminth Infection. WHO Techn Rep Series. WHO Bull