Critical Discourse Analysis of Peanuts Comic Strips Loaded in The Jakarta Post

Armeria Wijaya (1)
(1) Alumna of Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia



This study is conducted by analyzing the intended meanings lies behind the utterances in the dialogues of Peanuts Comic Strips in the Jakarta Post. Particularly, this study is aimed at analyzing the general socio-cultural knowledge applied to find the intended meanings, the kind of visual images used by the author to transmit the message, and the goals of the comic strips being loaded in the newspapers. Qualitative approach and content analysis is applied to get descriptive information. Specifically, this study uses Critical Discourse Analysis as the research technique. It sees the goal of the comic strips being loaded in the newspaper from the similarity of the storylines and the ideologies shared with the certain news.


Keywords: critical discourse analysis, comic strips, intended meaning

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Internet: Retrieved on Monday, April 02, 2012 Retrieved on Tuesday, January 08, 2013


Armeria Wijaya (Primary Contact)
Wijaya, A. (2017). Critical Discourse Analysis of Peanuts Comic Strips Loaded in The Jakarta Post. Tell : Teaching of English Language and Literature Journal, 1(1).

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