BSE ( Breast Self – Exam) Technique Utilization As The Early Detection Of Preventing Ca-Mammae For Productive-Age Mothers In Labansari


  • Supatmi Supatmi Faculty of Health Science, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya


Introduction: BSE is self breast examination to find out the possibility of breast cancer/lump that enables breast cancer. High number of breast cancer deaths due to breast cancer sufferers often come to the Ministry of health in advanced stages and difficult to cure. BSE (Breast Self Exam) is the act of early detection against the presence of the symptoms of breast cancer. This technique was very simple, however it is hoped can hit the high numbers of breast cancer sufferers, because the earlier breast cancer is found then the faster the treatment process is done. The purpose of this research is to gain an overview of the utilization of the technique of BSE (Breast Self Exam) on mother's age are productive in the area of Labansari. Method: The design of this research was descriptive research method. The population of this research was a prolific age of all mothers in the area of Labansari, a sample taken with random sampling techniques in reproductive age of mothers who make a visit at the posyandu. Result: The research conducted over the past six months in all areas Labansari posyandu data retrieval by using questionnaires, collected and analysis by means of the descriptive analysis.


Keywords: Breast Self Exam, Ca mammae, Reproductive age


Biografi Penulis

Supatmi Supatmi, Faculty of Health Science, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Faculty of Health Science, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya


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